Pharmacy FAQ

Q What is a medicine formulary?
A A formulary is a list of safe and cost-effective medicines, including both generic and brand name products, which are used to treat certain medical conditions.

Q What is generic medicine?
A Generic medicines contain the same active ingredient, have the same dosage strength, is safe and equally effective as the original medicine. Therefore, it is interchangeable with an original brand name product.

Q What is the Platinum Health formulary based on?
A Medicines on the Platinum Health formulary are based on world’s best practice medicine, cost efficiency, availability and quality-in-healthcare principles.

Q What is acute medicine?
A It is medicine used to treat non-chronic conditions which means it is mostly for short-term use.

Q What is chronic medication?
A It is medicine used to treat long-term (chronic) and/or recurring conditions.

Over-the-counter / Pharmacist advise therapy (OTC) benefits
Pharmacists are allowed by law to prescribe certain classes of medicine for minor and non-serious diseases i.e. the flu, diarrhea and headaches. The medicine that can be prescribed is restricted to schedule 0 up to schedule 2 medicine and is for a limited treatment period. PlatComprehensive and PlatCap members can obtain PAT medicine from any of the in-house or designated service provider (DSP) pharmacies. PlatFreedom members can obtain PAT medicine from their Pharmacy of Choice.


PlatComprehensive, PlatCap and PlatFreedom members who choose to obtain chronic medication from the Chronic Medication Department of Platinum Health, should follow these four easy steps to ensure timeous delivery of their medication:

How does it work?

  1. Register for chronic medication approval if you are a first-time chronic medication user by requesting your doctor to complete a Chronic Illness Benefit Application form. The forms are available from the Client Liaison Officers on site during scheduled visits, or it can be downloaded from the Platinum Health website ( A separate application form is required for each family member who requires chronic medication.
  2. Both the chronic illness forms (application and delivery), along with supporting documentation and a six-month prescription has to be forwarded to the Chronic Medication Department. Platinum Health staff on site at Platinum Health facilities can assist members with submitting application forms to the Chronic Medication Department.
  3. The completed application form and supporting documentation has to be submitted to the Chronic Medication Department via any of the following channels:

Tel no: 014 590 1700


Fax:086 577 0274 or 014 590 1752

  1. The Chronic Medication Department contacts the patient to confirm the details and arrange delivery. A courier service is available for the delivery of chronic medication to members who qualify for delivery. Members can request chronic medication to be delivered to their home, the Platinum Health Medical Facility for collection, or any other location convenient to them. Generally, three months’ supply is issued.

Important to remember:

Once registered, please place follow-up medication orders at least seven working days before the current batch runs out. Orders can be placed telephonically, by email or fax, and full member and contact details must be included in all correspondence.

PlatFreedom members who choose to obtain chronic medication from their Pharmacy of Choice, should follow these steps:


  • Register for chronic medication approval if you area first-time chronic medication user by requesting your doctor to complete a Chronic Illness Benefit Application form. The forms are available from the Client Liaison Officers on site during scheduled visits; or it can be downloaded from the Platinum Health website ( A separate application form is required for each family member who requires chronic medication.
  • The completed application form and supporting documentation has to be submitted to the Chronic Medication Department via any of the following channels:


Tel no: 014 590 1700


Fax: 086 577 0274 or 014 590 1752

Upon receiving the completed Chronic Illness Benefit Application form, authorisation will be loaded on the system and the Pharmacy of Choice will be able to supply the medication to the member and submit the claim for payment to the scheme.

Please note:

  • Members have to arrange collection/delivery ofmedication with their Pharmacy of Choice.
  • Members have to place follow-up prescriptions withtheir Pharmacy of Choice.